Monday 9 July 2012

Bento # 8

As soon as school starts for my youngest, I'll have to prepare kid's bentos - how cute.
Needless to say, my son is eager to try them and begged to have some already.

That's kid bento #1:

This is a really simple one - Nutella sandwiches (dino shape), red pepper slices and 2 mini chocolate muffins. Well - start small - grow as you go, hm


We planted 7 cucumber plants this year and they are really thriving!
For 2 weeks now we are picking at least 4 of them daily - and they're huge.
I decided to use a batch of them to make pickled cucumbers - a nice recipe using honey, ginger and chilli for just a few of the jars.

We can't wait to try them!

Bento # 7

It's a busy time just now - so much to prepare for my son's school start - as well as summer school holiday in our part of Germany. Only 1 week until we're actually off for our summer holiday as well - I can't wait!

Not many bento's during the last week - but I had the chance to prepare a few - so let's see number 7:

Bottom tier: cheese tortellini with home-grown spinach pesto
Top tier: heart-shaped egg, sausage slices, apricots and a chocolate treat.

Monday 25 June 2012

DIY project: New windows / Dachfenster wechseln

Ach wisst ihr was? Jetzt switche ich mal in Deutsch um (immerhin geht es hier ja um Deutsche Fenster ;-)
Eigentlich reden wir über polnische Fenster. Wir haben nach bisher nur positiven Erfahrungen auch dieses Mal unser Material nach gründlicher Recherche über das Internet bestellt. Die Dachfenster sind aus Polen - wurden unglaublich schnell geliefert und machen einen sehr guten Eindruck!

Nachdem die Wetterlage eine Woche lang permanent unsicher war, mussten wir bis Samstag warten, um das erste Fenster einzubauen.
Alles in Allem hat es ca. 3 Stunden gedauert (am meisten Zeit hat das Entfernen und wieder Eindecken der Dachziegel gekostet).

Hier wurde zuerst das alte Fenster demontiert.

Alles weg - überflüssig zu erwähnen, dass ich  ab hier intensiv gebetet habe, es möge nicht regnen :-)

So sah das ganze von Aussen aus - weiter wollte ich mich aber nicht herauslehnen ....

Zuerst wurde der Rahmen ausgerichtet und fixiert

Anschließend der äußere Eindeckrahmen montiert

Alle Dachziegel wieder befestigt - leider kommt man um einige Anpassungen nicht herum (da musste die Flex ran). Hinterher hatten wir einige übrig - das liegt aber daran, dass das neue Fenster minimal größer ist und einen anderen Eindeckrahmen hat.

Der finale Part: Einsetzen der Scheibe. Alles passt - alles dicht und das fast pünktlich zum abendlichen Fußballspiel.

Fazit: wir sind froh, dass wir uns da ran gewagt haben. Die Fenster sind kein Vergleich zu vorher - fantastisch. Die nächsten schaffen wir dann hoffentlich in der halben Zeit :-)
Ist mein Mann nicht genial???? 

Bento # 6

Good morning,

only one Bento box I prepared Friday evening, as my husband had to work on Saturday: 

This is Bento # 6:

Bottom tier: steamed rice topped with Furikake and carrot flowers.
Top tier: crispy tofu 'schnitzel', star-shaped egg, fried yellow pepper and some extra furikake (panda). 

This box is my favorite for 'big' lunches!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Bento # 5

Hi there,

today I found 3 different furikake-mixes (furikake = dry spice mix for rice) in an Asian grocery store here in Darmstadt. I love it! I guess I'll have to make some onigiris tonight for our bentos tomorrow (that is - after watching football and going to a school event after work.....).

Time for another bento photo (yesterdays - in fact I'm one day behind always):

Very healthy (lean grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, cucumber, home-made tortilla with potatoes and onions and two tiny ham-and-cheese-rolls). My husband starts to like the bento-box idea - his colleagues even asked if I could order some boxes for them (have done that yesterday). 

I'm off now - have to rush to kindergarden and school event afterwards!

Have a nice evening.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Bento accessories

Hi folks,

as I promised a couple of days ago I took a photo of all the bento accessories I gathered and use now:

So there are some sandwich shapers, rice forms, stencils, egg moulds, lots of cute picks some silicone cups and of course some bento boxes (not in the picture :-) for every family member.

I was surprised how excited my son was when he spotted all the stuff! He immediately started planning what HE could do with all the tools. He demanded action right away and asked me if we could do something from 'Super Mario' (? never played this).... :-)
After listening to a comprehensive introduction to Mario's World we agreed to create some (I have fogotten their name - sorry) mushrooms. That's the result:

Yeah. Don't ask me to explain the difference between the green and red ones.
For the red ones we used egg, tomatoes and mozarella for the dots. The green one consists of mozarella and (home grown) cucumber (- yes yes yes - we harvested the first ones and they taste delicous!). Next to the green one there is a box also featured in the game - made of yellow pepper with some mini-sesame 'nails' and a spaghetti questionmark on it. Phhh - how creative for a friday afternoon I'd say.